UX Research Report

Over the past 7 weeks I have learned all about Usability Studies in my "Understanding Your Audience" class at Quinnipiac University. I read Understanding Your Users and UX Methods: A Quick Guide to User Experience Research Methods. This was the ultimate crash course and introduction to UX for me, and I had no idea what I was getting into!

I can admit I did not genuinely know what UX was all about when I started this course, but I was interested to learn. I quickly realized UX is all about research, studies, and analysis on any given platform, product, design, etc. In the beginning, it was a little rough. I am not used to creating reports, launching surveys, and analyzing results. Yeah, I've taken a survey before (who hasn't?), but I had never deployed them myself, never-mind analyzed them. Now that I have taken this course, I can absolutely appreciate when a website or a design is made well. I can recognize when I have a good experience and know that it's because of UX!

During this class, I chose a website that I thought could use some help. A good friend of mine, Chris Darrow, lives and farms on an incredible Daylily farm, called Olallie Daylily Gardens. I had worked there a few summers ago and absolutely loved it. I can understand that farmers aren't tach-savvy, and nor should they have to be! So, I chose his website to be the subject of my research: https://www.daylilygarden.com/.

For my first ever UX research report, I deployed many research methods including:

  • Interviews

  • Surveys

  • Card Sorting

  • Heuristic Evaluation

  • System Usability Scale

  • AS-IS and TO-BE Analysis

  • Usability Testing

I analyzed the results from these tests and came up with simple solutions to improve his website. Overall, I enjoyed learning about this process and am happy to have taken this class. The report can be viewed here:

Olallie Daylily Gardens - UX Research Report


I am very interested in learning further about website design and am very excited for my next course starting in two weeks, Web Technologies! See you next time!


Is Blogging Dead?


Usability Testing