Website Content Audit

Today I generated a website audit and report on a fantastic non-profit organization, The Elephant Sanctuary In Tennessee.

The Elephant Sanctuary's website was analyzed for a content audit. Using the Screaming Frog SEO Spider, the website was audited for SEO, accessibility, and website structure. The website was additionally analyzed for accessibility using WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool. The content and writing within the website were audited and analyzed by me.

Basically what I was looking for within this audit was optimization through SEO meta descriptions and title elements, accessibility with alt tags and alt text, and content type. These elements were analyzed and reported on. Additionally, I looked at the writing and architecture of the website, to adhere to user experience (UX) standards.

This audit was a brief internal and external look at their website. The overall findings conclude that the website is well-made and user-friendly, but needs more attention to accessibility. Take a look at the audit here:



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