Ideation Methods on Streaming Apps

Ideation is the third step in the design thinking process. After empathizing and understanding users, you then use this empathy to define the human-centered problem or problems. The third step is called ideate or ideation.

Author/Copyright holder: Interaction Design Foundation. Copyright licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Ideate is the part of the design process where you generate radical design ideas. Ideation is the process of exploring a wide solution of outcomes and concepts with quantity and diversity. From this pool of ideas, you can then build prototypes. Ideation helps transition from identifying problems to exploring solutions.

Ideation Methods

There are probably hundreds of ideation methods one can use. Trying out various ideation methods will produce the best results. Ideation techniques to create ideas can include brainstorming, brainwriting, sketching, scamper, mindmapping, challenging assumptions, value hypothesis, role-playing, body-storming, and worst possible idea.

Ideation Methods on Streaming Apps

In my last blog post, Defining User Problems with Streaming Services, I explored reviews on three popular streaming apps, Discovery +, Apple TV, and Prime Video. From these reviews, I generated point-of-view problem statements. Now, I've generated some ideas through ideation methods and techniques to help solve these user problems.

Apple TV POV Statement with two ideation techniques

In this example, the point-of-view statement for Apple TV is, "Users who stream television shows using Apple TV need a watchlist because users like to add their favorite shows to one convenient list." From this problem statement, I tried two ideation methods, sketch and a brain dump. I immediately had some ideas in my head of what the icon and watchlist could look like on the app, so I sketched out a quick concept. Then, I created a list of ideas and thoughts flowing through my brain. Since users like to have their own watchlist to have one convenient place for all of their favorite shows or movies, creating a customizable watchlist and an easy "add to list" button will be helpful.

Prime Video POV Statement with two ideation techniques

In this example, the point-of-view statement for Prime video is, "Users who stream movies using Prime Video need less package upgrade options because users don't like to make more in-app purchases." From this problem statement I immediately thought that using the worst possible idea method would be fun. I started to list things that would be absurd or unheard of, but not all of the ideas actually sounded that bad! Then I decided to take a look at pricing options for competing streaming apps. I made a mind-map of other apps, comparing them to Prime Video. After I realized that some of the competitors actually have more package upgrade options, I thought it would be best to challenge assumptions. Users who don't like making in-app purchases can have a few tiered package options.

Those were some ways I used sketch, brain dump, worst possible idea, mind-map, and challenge assumptions for ideation methods to these user problems. If you'd like to see the whole PDF, it is available for you below!




The Home Buying Journey


Defining User Problems with Streaming Services